What is Your Relationship With Money?

Girl Kissing Piggy BankThis is a good time to examine your attitude about money. You need to understand how you feel about it before you can move forward with building your retirement income plan and financial goals. Once you come to terms with your attitude about money then you need to understand how your financial advisor feels about it. Send an email to me for a detailed article by Darren Hardy, “What’s in Your Head Determines What’s in Your Wallet” that will help you work through this concept.

Here is the gist, how you feel about money will determine your financial success. As Darren’s article points out, some people actually repel money! If you view money as an opponent i.e. something you struggle with on a daily basis then you are probably limiting your ability to attract money for your own personal needs. “Money will meet you where you are” is a great quote from this article. Stated another way, “Your net worth will equal your self-worth”. If you have an attitude of abundance you will attract money.

Take some time to examine your personal attitude towards money. Does your financial advisor understand what money means to you? Does he/she have a negative or positive attitude when it comes to money? Doesn’t it make sense to find out? If your advisor blindly makes recommendations without this knowledge you are playing with fire. You could end up going down two separate paths; never to meet again. With all of the negativity out there let’s not lose sight of the tremendous opportunity we have to understand the power of money and put it to work in the best possible way.  Here are some ways to examine your personal relationship with money:

  1. Tale inventory of the things you are grateful for. You may realize that you need less money than you think.
  2. Decide that you are worthy of greater wealth. It won’t happen on its own. You have to believe it first.
  3. Why not you? People are starting new businesses or taking steps forward in their careers every day. Realize that they are not different than you.

Let’s grab hold of the opportunity and adopt an attitude of abundance. If you do, the money will flow to you!

Question: How do you feel about money? Do you have a good or challenging relationship with money? Click here to add your comment.

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